I thought I was gonna come on here and explain why there's a huge fraggin gap in my posts, explain reasons for why I "am so busy", and apologized.. but then I realized you're not here for that. If you really wanna go read someone's long post about being sorry for no content, just google the word "blog" (or webcomic actually..) I assure you at least 93.6% of them will have that exact post you're looking for. Just replace their name with mine and you'll have the same feeling I: (I like how I mention how I'm not going to do that then
immediately do that just by explaining how I'm not going to.)
So this post isn't entirely wasted
Tips for wooing your lady:
Chocolate: Yummy! Turns your insides into concentrated happiness.. May result in love and kisses (
Wine: Relaxing and good for the heart. May result in love and kisses (
Chocolate wine? Definitely will result in Gastrointestinal stress and mild to sever cursing (
Government warning: May result in early termination of chances of you getting laid...ever. |
I didn't take a sip of the thing xD but someone who drank it said it tasted fine so take this fairly lightly.